Our Services

A variety of services.

Mental Health Counseling across the Life Span

Office based. Home based. Telehealth from your own home.


Home Based.

Our home-based counseling services are available right where you are. If distance, travel, time, expense, and/or availability are standing between you and the therapeutic services you need, we will come to you! We meet clients in local schools, private homes, hospitals, nursing homes or any other mutually agreed upon location, bringing hope and healing to the comfort of your own home, school or neighborhood. 

Call or email to inquire 402.992.1512. 


We support “Behavioral Medicine” with your current medical provider.  Bio-Behavioral Medicine is designed to help patients having chronic medical conditions in managing the complex psychosocial aspects of illnesses to alleviate suffering, promote health and improve their quality of life.


Brainspotting is a fast-growing field of psychological health today and is proven to address trauma and other issues that can typically take years to heal.

Our eyes and brains are intricately woven together, and vision is the primary way that we, as humans, orient ourselves to our environment. Signals sent from our eyes are deeply processed in the brain. Where you look, actually affects how you feel!

While our brains digest and organize everything we experience, trauma can overwhelm its processing capacity, leaving behind pieces of the trauma that remain unhealed. Brainspotting uses our field of vision to find these past traumas. They don’t have to be expressed in words or recalled and repeated. The healing takes place internally, and healing can happen faster and more privately than in talk therapy.

CPP Therapy. (Child-Parent Psychotherapy)

CPP promotes and strengthens a close, safe and nurturing relationship between a parent and their child, age 5 or under and have experienced at least one traumatic event. Strategies used include attachment-focused interventions, trauma informed care, behavior-based interventions, parent support and coaching, interactive child-parent play, and verbal interpretation of transactions between the parent and child.  The purposes of CPP are to strengthen and repair the child-parent relationship, to promote the child’s social and emotional development, and to minimize harmful developmental consequences which may result from disruptions in caregiving.

DDP. (Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy)

DDP is a treatment approach for trauma, loss or other experience that is based on principles from attachment therapy. DDP involves creating a safe setting in which a child can begin to explore, resolve and integrate a wide range of memories, emotions and current experiences, that have previously been frightening, shameful, avoided, or denied. As the process unfolds, the client is creating a life-story which is crucial for attachment security and a strong protective factor. The keystone to DDP is the parents; it is about helping the parent to be therapeutic. It also teaches a parent how to be an advocate for their child and practice self-care. DDP helps a child to understand and modify problem behaviors, respect and support positive relationships, and develop a strength-based understanding of his/her life.

ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experience).

In the late 90’s an insurance companies began adding questions about trauma history from client’s childhood to the intake for insurance.   They discovered after 18000 questionnaires, that if an individuals had 4 or more of the adverse child experiences, they would almost be guaranteed to get a major physical disease (heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.).  These diseases can be prevented with the type of trauma therapy we provide.